Set Daily Goals – Get Back on Track

Have you felt so lost in the process that you’ve almost forgotten the purpose?

I dare say that the majority of our lifestyle choices lure us to deep attachment. Now it’s great if it benefit us. If not, hazardous!

Most days are over before they’ve even started which leaves most of those ‘to-do’ list items unchecked. The following useful pointers help me stay on track. Give it a try and you will find your right track if you haven’t yet.

  • Self Talk : Self-awareness is the foundation of all truth. No matter where you are in life, when you fully recognize your position & accept where you are on your journey w.r.t. work, family or anything else – that exact point is from where you will begin your progress.
  • Evaluate : Assess your situation. First think about what your priorities are. Find out if what your do on a daily basis coincide with these priorities. If you notice a gap or a drift, Voila ! you are on the right track. Only ‘you’ can bridge this gap. Stop what you must, and start what you should!
  • One Goal a Day : Stick to this plan, and you can never so wrong. Make a small goal, something as tiny as – ‘Today, I will do the laundry’ or ‘I will walk to the supermarket’. You don’t need to write it down, just something you determine for yourself to do.
  • Commit & Stay Committed : It is really true that to love all things else, you must love yourself first. So, promise yourself that you will accomplish your daily goal and reward yourself on successful fulfillment at the end of each week.

Remember that you’re doing great even if you complete 2 daily goals out of 6. Give yourself a holiday, and most of all, when you find yourself wandering, which you most certainly will once in a while, remember to go back to ‘Self-talk’. No one can lift you up as much as yourself.

Perseverance is the KEY

Perseverance is the KEY

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